Tours Through Discographies: Bastille

   My favorite band! I've loved this band for like, an actual decade now. I've seen them live twice (both were close to each other and a long time ago, but still). 
   Their first three albums seem to follow a sort of thing I like to call "the apocalypse trilogy": I don't know conceptual it was actually intended to be, but I like to pretend it was a three-part project actually meant to follow the idea of the end of the world. The fourth album breaks the trilogy and enters into a different phrase. I'll explain as we go along.

1. Bad Blood (2013)
    Another great debut album (see my episode on The Killers). In terms of the "apocalypse trilogy", this one is sort of "yeah, things are kinda crazy sometimes, but let's just try to enjoy our lives". There's only one track on this album that kind of misses. The rest is utterly excellent. And they even released an expanded edition called All This Bad Blood that adds several more awesome tracks.
TOP 3 TRACKS: "Laura Palmer", "The Draw", "Overjoyed"

2. Wild World (2016)
   My fourth favorite album of all time. In terms of the "apocalypse trilogy", this one is kinda saying "okay, things are getting insane, the world is messed up, the governments need to get their acts together". Notice the iconic cover of two men sitting on a ledge way high above a city, something you couldn't pay me a billion dollars and a cheeseburger to do. This album features a lot of intros and cut-ins of soundbites from various TV shows, movies, news programs, etc., which is a unique thing that I really liked. And this album is a very enjoyable experience beginning to end, it's so good. Also includes a complete edition that adds even more bangers. This album even includes my favorite song of all time, "Snakes".
TOP 3 TRACKS: "Snakes", "Warmth", "The Anchor"

3. Doom Days (2019)
   The culmination of the "apocalypse trilogy" this one basically saying "okay, we're straight up in the end times now". Knowing that, you should be able to tell that it's a bit darker than the previous two, even though Bastille were never really known for making happy music. But that darkness is communicated with so much power, urgency, and emotion. Such a banger of an album. Also includes a "This Got Out Of Hand" expanded edition that adds even more bangers.
TOP 3 TRACKS: "Million Pieces", "Bad Decisions", "Final Hour"

4. Give Me The Future (2022)
   The beginning of a new era! This album is all about the future, obviously, and all the technological revolutions and such that are coming with it. It seems to be trying to balance all the good that can come with the future with all the bad that it can also bring, as well as the fear that we'll screw it up like we've already screwed up the past and present. It also features a lot of ideas of virtual reality and using electronics to escape and pretend reality isn't actually what it is. And you know how it be with Bastille and the expanded editions; this one got one too. And of course, since they're my favorite band, I'll say it again: this one is amazing start to finish.
TOP 3 TRACKS: "Thelma + Louise", "Plug In...", "Hope For The Future"


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