My Complicated Relationship With Blink-182

"That's about the time she walked away from me/nobody likes you when you're 23." 
                        -Blink-182, "What's My Age Again?"

  I'm 23, so I guess nobody likes me. 
  Blink-182 is one of the biggest pop-punk bands, maybe ever. Actually no, not just maybe ever. They factually are one of the biggest pop-punk bands ever. In fact, I'd say they're one of the biggest punk in general bands ever. I don't know if I've said it in my blog before but I've definitely said it to my family before: I don't think it's possible for a punk band to exist today without being influenced by two bands: Green Day, and Blink-182. Even if they don't realize it, even if they for some reason dislike one or both of those bands. That's just how big of an impact those bands have had on modern punk music. It's inescapable. 
   Even if you're not very familiar with the band, you've probably heard more than one of songs like "All the Small Things", "What's My Age Again?", "Dammit", "I Miss You", "The Rock Show", "First Date", etc..
  I've been a fan of Blink-182 for a long time now. I even saw them live as part of a Channel 93.3 Big Gig, which was back in the stretch where they had Matt instead of Tom. 
  However, I admittedly have had somewhat of an on-and-off-again relationship with them. Mostly because their immaturity is kinda off-putting sometimes. It's kinda weird that these men who are old enough to be my father are dressing like guys who are younger than me and writing songs about like partying and sex and drinking with your friends.
   But, I guess that's kinda the appeal of them. The whole eternal youth thing. These men are all like fifty and yet still haven't grown up. I don't think they ever will. And beneath the layers of songs about things middle-aged men probably shouldn't sing about, there might be a good message in their refusal to grow up.
  But I don't want you to think that Blink-182 is all shotgunning beer and skipping school. Here's a list of some songs I can think of from them that are either serious or downright depressing:
-"I Miss You"
-"Adam's Song"
-"Stay Together for the Kids"
-"Going Away to College"
-"Home is Such a Lonely Place"
-"One More Time"
And there are definitely more. Because they're still extremely talented guys who know what they're doing when they make music. 
   And maybe they have matured. I have a strong suspicion that they are fully mature, grown-up men, and the whole rascally thing they do is essentially playing a part, being the eternally young guys for those who can't be. And of course, Tom is obsessed with aliens and stuff. Travis survived a plane crash. Mark survived cancer. These guys have lived life and are still rocking out.
  So yeah, I love Blink-182.


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