Imagine Disappointment

   So Imagine Dragons is gearing up for their upcoming new album, and they've announced the tracklist and runtime and stuff. It's 9 songs, 10 with an expanded version that includes a remix, and runs for slightly less than half an hour (slightly more with the remix version). 
  This is a tiny album. Albums usually have 10-12+ tracks and run for like 40-50 minutes. So, I'm kinda disappointed.
  Listen, I still love this band and I'm sure the album will be very good, but this still feels kinda like a cop-out. I'm not asking for a massive album. They just did that with Mercury. I'm just asking for a normal one, not one that's basically a glorified EP/mixtape. 
  And I know Mercury was a HUGE album so that kinda makes up for it, but I don't think going so big on one album is an excuse to go so small on the next. Imagine if I worked really hard at work one day and then the next I was just completely slacking off, and when my boss confronted me about it, I was just like "but I worked so hard yesterday!"
  Yes, they're working with one less member with Daniel Platzman on a break from the band, but bands function with three members all the time. Green Day, Paramore, and Muse all do permanently with no problem. The Killers had to for a bit as well. Twenty One Pilots is only two guys.
  Plus they've already released the lead single and I'm sure there will be like 1-2 more before the album's release, so this new album experience will only be 6-8 new songs. Yippee.
  I know I'm probably complaining too much, and I am grateful for the new music. And, like I said, I'm sure it's all very good. But nine tracks? Shorter than some episodes of Sonic The Hedgehog-verse original series Knuckles, now streaming on Paramount+? Kinda disappointing. 
  Maybe these new songs will come out and they'll absolutely blow me away and I'll love the whole experience, but for now I just have a sense of "come on, man."


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