ALBUM REVIEW: Only God Was Above Us by Vampire Weekend

I'm a little late for this one. I'm sorry. But, time to review the fifth outing from Vampire Weekend: Only God Was Above Us!

1. "Ice Cream Piano": 8/10
    Don't ask me what the title means, because I don't know. I don't know what "Obvious Bicycle" means either. It's a pretty cool song, and I love the "the world don't recognize a singer who don't sing" line. It seems to be saying "you can't call yourself something if you don't actually work at it".

2. "Classical": 10/10
    I love this song pretty much all around, from the extremely catchy instrumentals to the catchy chorus. This one is the one I think should be used to represent the album, and that's probably because they used it in some ads for it I saw on Facebook.

3. "Capricorn": 7/10
     It's a good song. I don't really have much to say about it, but it's pretty neat.

4. "Connect": 8/10
     It took me a while to get this song down, but I don't get why. The chorus is unique, and the song seems to be about lamenting how it seems odd that you can't fit in, wondering why you seem so different. 

5. "Prep-School Gangsters": 8/10
    "Somewhere in your family tree, there was someone just like me." This song seems to kind of be the answer to "Connect", where you find solace and connection in someone you love.

6. "The Surfer": 6/10
    I'm sorry, but this is the worst track on the album. I'm giving it a 6 still because it's still beautiful. The guys at Vampire Weekend are insanely talented. I don't think they could make a bad song if they tried to. This one is just very forgettable. I'm actually struggling to remember how it goes right now.

7. "Gen-X Cops": 9/10
    This song was picked to be the lead single for the album, and for good reason. It's a banger. And "each generation makes its own apology" is probably my favorite lyric on the entire album. 

8. "Mary Boone": 10/10
    "Mary Boone, Mary Boone, well, I hope you feel like loving someone soon". This is Vampire Weekend's third song that is titled a full woman's name, after Diane Young and Hannah Hunt, and they've all been great. The choir vocals too make this one stand out.

9. "Pravda": 8/10
    The Russian word for truth. He's leaving at the rising of the moon. Again, I don't have much to say for this one other than that it's good.

10. "Hope": 10/10
      This is now among my favorite closers ever. It may seem repetitive, but the refrain of "I hope you let it go", seems really nice for the end of an album. It seems to be saying "this particular outing is over now, but here's the message we wanna leave you with". It also seems kinda like a message from the band to fans who spend a lot of time worrying.

Official Rating: 84%

Ranking of Tracks:
Mary Boone (10)
Hope (10)
Classical (10)
Gen-X Cops (9)
Pravda (8)
Connect (8)
Prep-School Gangsters (8)
Ice Cream Piano (8)
Capricorn (7)
The Surfer (6)


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