Do I Like Too Many Bands?

1. Bastille
2. AJR
3. The Killers
4. Bleachers
5. Green Day
6. Fall Out Boy
7. Paramore
8. Imagine Dragons
9. Weezer
10. Muse
11. Twenty One Pilots
12. My Chemical Romance
13. The Airborne Toxic Event
14. Jukebox The Ghost
15. Rise Against

   These are my top fifteen active bands. In other words, the only fifteen bands I really care about checking out the new music of, or bothering to fill out my knowledge of the rest of their catalog. There are some other bands that fit that criteria for me, but these are the only bands I'm really serious about.
  Now, you might be thinking, "'only'?" The thing is, if you're a normal person, as I am not, the fact that I follow fifteen bands probably seems like a lot. You're probably reading this and thinking like, you don't need to be into any more bands. You have fifteen favorite bands. Yes, I know. But the thing is, there are probably like at least ten active bands beyond those fifteen that I do like and do kinda wish I was more into. 
   It's just hard for me to get into any more bands. The bands I like, those bands on that list, are there because I've spent years liking them and they've earned their spot as one of my favorites. I've even seen most of them live, two of them twice. 
   And it just feels like these fifteen bands (sixteen if you count Panic! At The Disco, who I absolutely love but is inactive) are all the bands I really need. For example, as much as I love Green Day, there's some Green Day I don't know. I'd rather spend my music time learning the Green Day songs I don't know then bother trying to get into a whole new band. 
   I watch some music discussion YouTubers who seem to like like 100 different artists and have massive vinyl collections spanning seemingly just that many artists. I kinda wish I could be that avid of a music fan and be able to have that big of a collection, but unfortunately I just don't really have that much of a care to expand beyond what I already consider my favorites. I'm set in my ways.
   You've probably realized that I keep talking about active and inactive bands. Nothing against inactive bands; I just definitely don't feel like getting too into them. It's just hard because I don't wanna fall in love with an inactive band, because I'll have to come to terms with the fact that all we have from that band - is all we're ever gonna have from that band. I don't wanna accept that there's no new stuff coming. With active bands, I don't have to worry. 
  And it's not that I haven't tried. The desire is (mostly) there, but the drive isn't, really. I kind of got myself into Radiohead and Taking Back Sunday recently, but that's about it. I feel bad because my best friend has some artists he's really into and recommends them to me, and I'm probably not gonna be able to get into them; not because of a dislike of them or their sound, but because I'm like this alt rock curmudgeon who is unable to broaden his horizons beyond what he's already found and sharpened over years of listening.


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