Universe Log 10: CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: It Actually Happened

  Yesterday at church for Christmas Eve, my pastor who is also my uncle said something about how he often thinks about how good of a story the Christmas story is, and how it actually happened and isn't just a good story. When I was thinking about what specific topic to write about for this Christmas special, I remembered him saying that and thought that would be a good idea.
   The story of Jesus isn't something that was cooked up by Marvel Comics, Disney, or Stephen King. It isn't a movie based on true events that Hollywood made but embellished certain events so it was interesting enough for you to buy a ticket. It actually happened, and we are living in its reality, all eternity. 
   Christmas means that our actual God came to actually live with us in the form of the Son, who came to actually give His life for us to free us from our actual sins. 
   I'm a big US history nerd, and a big part of that is the wonder that what I'm learning about actually happened. As much a fan of fiction as I am, it's also amazing to hear about all these historical events and keep in mind that they actually happened, on this same third rock from the sun I am currently living on. 
   But when we think of Christmas we shouldn't just think of the baby Jesus and the manger and the innkeeper and Mary and Joseph and the animals and the wise men and the star and whatnot and think "oh, that's a nice story". It certainly is a nice story, but remember that it is a very, very real one. The Christmas story is historical fact for all time. And it's of utmost importance.


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